Friday, March 22, 2013

Symbols and signs

        After reading this story, I'm left with an unclear mind, wondering what to make of it. It's not the most thrilling story on the surface, and if you don't give it any thought it just seems like a simple story. However, if you look deeper into it, there are so many little clues and "signs" for the reader about what the story really means. There are many small details in the story that at first glance seem useless, but they set the tone for the story. For example, the small bird twitching in the puddle sets a bleak and dreary tone.
        I agree with most people in that the third phone call was to tell that the son had been successful in his suicide attempt this time. The idea of something happening three times comes across really clearly in this story. Towards the end, when I knew what fate was coming, I couldn't help but feel bad for the parents. Especially the father, who can't sleep because he wants to get his son out next thing in the morning. It's the idea of being just a little too late and timing of things. I know the father will have to deal with regret the rest of his life, and both parents might wish they had gotten their son out of there on his birthday.
     The jars of jelly still are a mystery to me. I don't have a clear grasp on what they could represent. The only thing I can think of is that the parents were playing it safe when they got him the jellies. They didn't get him anything amazing, just something they thought wouldn't do any harm to him. This could relate to the end of the story because they played it safe by not actually seeing him on his birthday, and this is something they may come to regret.

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