Monday, February 18, 2013


     Last week I was talking with my boyfriend and his roomate about this mythology class and all of the cool myths that are a part of our world today. Little did I know, they also knew alot about mythology and told me of some myths that I had never realized existed. The myth that caught my attention was the myth of Nike. Although I'm sure man people already knew of this myth, it was my first time learning about it.

    To sum things up, Nike was a goddess in Greek mythology that personified victory. In the Titan war, Nike was the charioteer and flew around battlefields rewarding the victors with gifts and fame. She represents strength, will, speed, and victory. The sports company Nike is based off of this goddess, which all makes perfect sense. Now I realize that the name is meant to inspire and work towards strength and speed. It just goes to show how much mythology can be a part of your life without you even realizing it. 

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