Monday, January 28, 2013

Earliest Memory

      After thinking about it for quite awhile, it finally clicked for me what my earliest memories were. My first memory if from when I was three, and I remember sitting in my parents tiny old apartment, and them announcing to me that I was going to have a sister. I remember it being shocking for me because I was used to being the center of attention. But at the same time, it was exciting. I wanted more than anything to name her Sally Bo, but sadly my parents weren't so set on that and so they let me name our dog that instead.
       My second memory is the night my sister was born, a few months after my first memory. I remember my parents leaving with a little baby carrier carseat and going to the hospital, telling me that they were going to get my sister. I was upset because they weren't bringing me with, but my grandma stayed home with me and we played doctor with stuffed animals in my parents walk-in closet. Its interesting to me that my earliest memories both involve my sister. I guess it was at this time that my life changed alot. Going from an only child to having a baby sister is a big change. I remember after she was born, I would often act like a baby and imitate her, I guess in a way to get some sort of attention. I feel like sometimes siblings look up to their older sibling, but for me I wanted to be like my younger sister so I could get more attention. Anyways, these are the earliest memories I have, and I guess I can't really even remember a life without my sister. Below I posted some pics of my sister and I then and now :)

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