Sunday, April 21, 2013


     I remember getting the "Have a Dream" assignment at the beginning of the semester. Remembering my dreams has always been difficult for me. I'll remember then for a couple minutes after I wake up, but if I don't write them down they soon fade from my mind. That was the problem i've had all semester, up until this past week. For some reason, this past week, I've remembered two dreams, while all semester I haven't managed to remember a single one. They are extremely strange dreams, and I don't remember every detail, but here's a little summary of what I do remember.

    In my first dream, my boyfriend was trying to kill me. I know, scary stuff right?!! Anyways, it was more of a nightmare. I was with him out on the street, and for some reason he wanted to kill me. He had a screw driver in his hand and told me he was going to stab it through my rib cage up into my heart. I know that this is probably disturbing, but I figure I can't control my dreams :/ Anyways, he began to push the screw driver through my skin and it drew some blood before I could escape. I ran to the nearest police station, and there was nobody there except a woman at the desk. I began to tell her about my murderous boyfriend, but then we heard a knock on the back door. I knew it must be him, so I hid while she answered the door. It was him, and he killed her. I was terrified so I ran and somehow ended up in the top floor of north hedges. I've heard that the top floor of the hedges sway a little bit in the wind, but it my dream it was super exaggerated. It was very windy, and the building was swaying back and forth, and being on the top floor was like being on a roller coaster. I was dizzy and confused and tried to get back down the stairs, and thats where my dream ended. I woke up still in a panic and could kind of feel the mark near my rib cage where Aaron tried to kill me in my dream. In fact, I woke up next to him and was kinda pissed off at him because he had tried to kill me. I told him that and he just thought I was crazy. I don't quite know what this dream means, but I know that it was terrifying and hopefully my subconscious was just having a bad day.

    My next dream was about twisters. It was in Bozeman, and there was a storm full of twisters. I was inside a building with alot of people, and we were all hiding inside trying to avoid the twisters. Looking outside the window was terrifying because there were twisters everywhere,  but luckily we managed to avoid them. Something similar between the two dreams was that in the twister dream also, the house was swaying and I was dizzy.

    Hopefully these dreams don't mean anything. They were both more of nightmares than dreams. Now because of these nightmares I have a huge fear of being killed with a screw driver. Wouldn't that be a horrible way to die. Both of these dreams seem to represent that a storm is coming. Hopefully i'm just stressed with the end of the semester and finals and that is what is causing these nightmares, and its not an omen of things to come!

   Funny how it's at the very end of the semester when I can manage to remember my dreams. Well, here's hoping for more sweet dreams and no more nightmares.

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