Thursday, April 11, 2013

Evil Dead

    So I just went and saw the movie "Evil Dead" with my sister (If you like gory and disturbing movies this is definitely one for you). I personally enjoy going to scary movies for some reason. I am an easily startled person, and will admit that I'm actually that person who screams out loud in movie theaters. However, despite my fear, I always have the urge to see them. Even if I'm curled up in my seat watching the movie from behind my hands, I always feel the need to continue watching. I also have this problem with roller coasters. I will freak out for the entire time before I ride it, but while riding it feels amazing and like the best time of my life. I guess there's something with me about overcoming fears despite being terrified.
   Anyways, the point that I wanted to make was that horror movies have alot in common with mythology. In mythology, I've noticed that a common theme is that when a character is told not to do something, they often do it and suffer consequences. For example, Daedalus tells Icarus not to fly too close to the sun, but he does it anyways and falls to his death. This theme is also found in horror movies. In "Evil Dead", there are 5 friends who go to a cabin and in the basement they discover a bunch of witchcraft things, mainly a creepy book wrapped in barbed wire. One of the friends is curious and opens the book. I mean, come on the book is wrapped in barbed wire. I would personally leave it alone. On the inside of the book there is writing in blood saying "Do not read out loud", but this guy decides to so just that and reads out loud the words. While he was doing this, all I could think was "Noooooo! What an idiot!". Anyways, he reads the words and all hell breaks loose. People dying, limbs being cutt off, people being possessed by evil, and lots and lots of blood. All because this idiot decided to read the words out loud. I notice this alot in horror movies, that there is always that one person who does something wrong even though all the signs point against it. But then again, if this person didn't defy what they were told, there would be no horror movie, so its all a circle. Who knew this movie could have so much in common with mythology!

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