Sunday, April 14, 2013

New Beginnings

      A big idea that has been enforced in this class is the idea of beginnings and endings. I've learned that endings are often new beginnings, even if we don't realize it at the time. When I think of this, a certain quote comes to mind. The quote, by C.S. Lewis states "Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different." The idea of mythology as a circle is seen here. At the end we end up where we started and everything is different.
     I find this quote to be extremely true. When I look back on my life these past few years, everything has changed. Freshman year I didn't know what I wanted to major in and then decided randomly on elementary education. Sophomore year I went to Spain for a semester and then decided that maybe elementary ed was not my thing. The end of my sophomore year I went through a rough break-up and didn't really know what direction I was headed in. All summer I tried to reconnect with myself and find out what I really wanted to do with life. I met my current boyfriend right before school started, and to be honest, I had low expectations and wasn't took optimistic from being hurt before. Despite all of that, I'm actually happier than i've ever been with him and he was a blessing in disguise. I guess that the ending of my other relationship led to the great beginning of my current one. Anyways, Junior year I switched my major to photography and made it through the gate to the program. Now in my senior year, I feel confident with my choice to switch to photo, and plan on graduating sometime next year. I've found it true though that day by day, not much seems to change. But there are defining moments on certain days or weeks that change everything, even if we don't realize it. I believe that small changes really add up. For me, it's difficult to make sudden changes all at once. I often think of how I can improve myself, and if I go all in at once, theres a higher chance of me failing. However, if I make small changes, they eventually add up. Every year I look back and see how things have changed- in particular my relationships with certain people and my relationship with myself. Every year there are people who i've fallen out of touch with, some for the better and others not. Also each year I see how i've changed and how I perceive myself. I had a rough time in high school with my relationship with myself. I only focused on getting good grades, and my relationships with others wasn't really developed. I'm glad to say that coming to college changed alot of that, and i'm more confident in myself and my relationships with others. I find that relationships with people are constantly changing. There are some people that will always be in your life, and others will come and go, and I have to learn to be ok with that. Thinking that life will stay the same is something that won't happen. Every year some things improve, and others need to be worked on. I guess thats what life is for me - constantly trying to be a better person even though I have many flaws. I recognize what my problems are and try to make things better, even if its in the smallest way. So overall, I find the idea of the circle and ending up back where you started but everything being totally different very true. A year from now who knows where I could be. I hope to be getting ready to graduate, and hopefully have plans with my boyfriend involving the air force. But who knows, life has a funny way of changing things. I might not even be in Montana, and maybe I will be just as happy. It's all mythology. Endings and new beginnings. I'm looking forward to what this mythological circle of life has in store for me next.

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