Thursday, April 18, 2013


        I spoke about this a bit yesterday in my presentation, but now I would like to delve a little deeper into it. I'm a photography major and always have the hardest time coming up with final project ideas. Don't get me wrong, I love photography and take pictures nearly every day. However, there's something about being forced to choose a project idea that stresses me out and I always have difficulties with it. This semester i've just realized that I need to look at what it in front of me. So, this semester my final project was portraits of my mom, dad, and sister. 

       I feel that photographs express somethings that words cannot, and behind every photo is a story, which relates to mythology. I'm sure many people have taken similar photos as me, but no one has taken them with the same exact people and at the same time as me. You might say that there is no such thing as originality, but the way I see it, you just have to do things in your own way. Taking photos is kind of like the displacement stories we wrote. The stories were based off previous stories and were a remake of them, and photography can be seen as a re-taking or re-interpretation of what's already been done.
        To me, photography is a way of expressing myself. I love portraits because when you look at them, you develop a relationship with the subject and the images portray meaning that words cannot. There is a very powerful quote by Ansel Adams that says "When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." I love this quote because it relates to my life. I'm a quiet person, and so I often use photography as a means of communication and to show people how I see things. It's also true that i'm content with silence. I don't need constant noise or company to be happy. Of course I love the company of certain people, but there are some times when being alone with my thoughts is something i'm completely content with. 

     Below I posted some of the photographs of my family. I know that nobody knows them in the exact way that I do, but when you look at these photographs you get some sense of who they are. 

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